
Types in GitSharp

Type RepositoryStatus

Namespace GitSharp

A summary of changes made to the working directory of a repository with respect to its index.


Public properties

HashSet<string> Added get;

List of files added to the index, which are not in the current commit

bool AnyDifferences get; set;

int IndexSize get;

Returns the number of files checked into the git repository

HashSet<string> MergeConflict get;

List of files with staged modifications that conflict.

HashSet<string> Missing get;

List of files existent in the index but are missing in the working directory

HashSet<string> Modified get;

List of files with unstaged modifications. A file may be modified and staged at the same time if it has been modified after adding.

HashSet<string> Removed get;

List of files removed from the index but are existent in the current commit

HashSet<string> Staged get;

List of files added to the index, which are already in the current commit with different content

HashSet<string> Untracked get;

List of files existing in the working directory but are neither tracked in the index nor in the current commit.