
Types in GitSharp.Commands

Type ArchiveCommand

Namespace GitSharp.Commands

Parent AbstractCommand


Public properties

string ActualDirectory get;

List<string> Arguments get; set;

string Exec get; set;

Not implemented Used with --remote to specify the path to the 'git-upload-archive' on the remote side.

string Format get; set;

Not implemented Format of the resulting archive: 'tar' or 'zip'. If this option is not given, and the output file is specified, the format is inferred from the filename if possible (e.g. writing to "" makes the output to be in the zip format). Otherwise the output format is `tar`.

string GitDirectory get; set;

bool List get; set;

Not implemented Show all available formats.

string Output get; set;

Not implemented Write the archive to instead of stdout.

StreamWriter OutputStream get; set;

string Prefix get; set;

Not implemented Prepend / to each filename in the archive.

string Remote get; set;

Not implemented Instead of making a tar archive from the local repository, retrieve a tar archive from a remote repository.

Repository Repository get; set;

bool Verbose get; set;

Not implemented Report progress to stderr.

bool WorktreeAttributes get; set;

Not implemented Look for attributes in .gitattributes in working directory too.