
Types in GitSharp.Commands

Type WhatchangedCommand

Namespace GitSharp.Commands

Parent AbstractCommand


Public properties

bool AbbrevCommit get; set;

Not implemented Instead of showing the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object name, show only a partial prefix. Non default number of digits can be specified with "--abbrev=" (which also modifies diff output, if it is displayed). + This should make "--pretty=oneline" a whole lot more readable for people using 80-column terminals.

string ActualDirectory get;

List<string> Arguments get; set;

string Encoding get; set;

Not implemented The commit objects record the encoding used for the log message in their encoding header; this option can be used to tell the command to re-code the commit log message in the encoding preferred by the user. For non plumbing commands this defaults to UTF-8.

string Format get; set;

Not implemented

string GitDirectory get; set;

bool M get; set;

Not implemented By default, differences for merge commits are not shown. With this flag, show differences to that commit from all of its parents. + However, it is not very useful in general, although it *is* useful on a file-by-file basis.

string n get; set;

Not implemented Limit output to commits.

bool Oneline get; set;

Not implemented This is a shorthand for "--pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit" used together.

StreamWriter OutputStream get; set;

bool P get; set;

Not implemented Show textual diffs, instead of the git internal diff output format that is useful only to tell the changed paths and their nature of changes.

string Pretty get; set;

Not implemented

bool R get; set;

Not implemented Show git internal diff output, but for the whole tree, not just the top level.

Repository Repository get; set;