
Types in GitSharp.Commands

Type SendPackCommand

Namespace GitSharp.Commands

Parent AbstractCommand


Public properties

string ActualDirectory get;

bool All get; set;

Not implemented Instead of explicitly specifying which refs to update, update all heads that locally exist.

List<string> Arguments get; set;

bool DryRun get; set;

Not implemented Do everything except actually send the updates.

string Exec get; set;

Not implemented Same as \--receive-pack=.

bool Force get; set;

Not implemented Usually, the command refuses to update a remote ref that is not an ancestor of the local ref used to overwrite it. This flag disables the check. What this means is that the remote repository can lose commits; use it with care.

string GitDirectory get; set;

StreamWriter OutputStream get; set;

string ReceivePack get; set;

Not implemented Path to the 'git-receive-pack' program on the remote end. Sometimes useful when pushing to a remote repository over ssh, and you do not have the program in a directory on the default $PATH.

Repository Repository get; set;

bool Thin get; set;

Not implemented Spend extra cycles to minimize the number of objects to be sent. Use it on slower connection.

bool Verbose get; set;

Not implemented Run verbosely.