
Types in GitSharp.Commands

Type SvnCommand

Namespace GitSharp.Commands

Parent AbstractCommand


Public properties

string ActualDirectory get;

List<string> Arguments get; set;

string AuthorsFile get; set;

Not implemented

bool Edit get; set;

Not implemented Only used with the 'dcommit', 'set-tree' and 'commit-diff' commands. + Edit the commit message before committing to SVN. This is off by default for objects that are commits, and forced on when committing tree objects. + [verse] config key: svn.edit

string FindCopiesHarder get; set;

Not implemented Only used with the 'dcommit', 'set-tree' and 'commit-diff' commands. + They are both passed directly to 'git diff-tree'; see linkgit:git-diff-tree[1] for more information. + [verse] config key: svn.l config key: svn.findcopiesharder

string GitDirectory get; set;

StreamWriter OutputStream get; set;

Repository Repository get; set;

string Revision get; set;

Not implemented Used with the 'fetch' command. + This allows revision ranges for partial/cauterized history to be supported. $NUMBER, $NUMBER1:$NUMBER2 (numeric ranges), $NUMBER:HEAD, and BASE:$NUMBER are all supported. + This can allow you to make partial mirrors when running fetch; but is generally not recommended because history will be skipped and lost.

bool Rmdir get; set;

Not implemented Only used with the 'dcommit', 'set-tree' and 'commit-diff' commands. + Remove directories from the SVN tree if there are no files left behind. SVN can version empty directories, and they are not removed by default if there are no files left in them. git cannot version empty directories. Enabling this flag will make the commit to SVN act like git. + [verse] config key: svn.rmdir

string Shared get; set;

Not implemented Only used with the 'init' command. These are passed directly to 'git init'.

bool Stdin get; set;

Not implemented Only used with the 'set-tree' command. + Read a list of commits from stdin and commit them in reverse order. Only the leading sha1 is read from each line, so 'git rev-list --pretty=oneline' output can be used.

string Template get; set;

Not implemented Only used with the 'init' command. These are passed directly to 'git init'.