
Types in GitSharp.Commands

Type FsckCommand

Namespace GitSharp.Commands

Parent AbstractCommand


Public properties

string ActualDirectory get;

List<string> Arguments get; set;

bool Cache get; set;

Not implemented Consider any object recorded in the index also as a head node for an unreachability trace.

bool Full get; set;

Not implemented Check not just objects in GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY ($GIT_DIR/objects), but also the ones found in alternate object pools listed in GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES or $GIT_DIR/objects/info/alternates, and in packed git archives found in $GIT_DIR/objects/pack and corresponding pack subdirectories in alternate object pools. This is now default; you can turn it off with --no-full.

string GitDirectory get; set;

bool LostFound get; set;

Not implemented Write dangling objects into .git/lost-found/commit/ or .git/lost-found/other/, depending on type. If the object is a blob, the contents are written into the file, rather than its object name.

bool NoReflogs get; set;

Not implemented Do not consider commits that are referenced only by an entry in a reflog to be reachable. This option is meant only to search for commits that used to be in a ref, but now aren't, but are still in that corresponding reflog.

StreamWriter OutputStream get; set;

Repository Repository get; set;

bool Root get; set;

Not implemented Report root nodes.

bool Strict get; set;

Not implemented Enable more strict checking, namely to catch a file mode recorded with g+w bit set, which was created by older versions of git. Existing repositories, including the Linux kernel, git itself, and sparse repository have old objects that triggers this check, but it is recommended to check new projects with this flag.

bool Tags get; set;

Not implemented Report tags.

bool Unreachable get; set;

Not implemented Print out objects that exist but that aren't readable from any of the reference nodes.

bool Verbose get; set;

Not implemented Be chatty.