
Types in GitSharp.Commands

Type RevParseCommand

Namespace GitSharp.Commands

Parent AbstractCommand


Public properties

string AbbrevRef get; set;

Not implemented A non-ambiguous short name of the objects name. The option core.warnAmbiguousRefs is used to select the strict abbreviation mode.

string ActualDirectory get;

string After get; set;

Not implemented Parse the date string, and output the corresponding --max-age= parameter for 'git-rev-list'.

bool All get; set;

Not implemented Show all refs found in `$GIT_DIR/refs`.

List<string> Arguments get; set;

string Before get; set;

Not implemented Parse the date string, and output the corresponding --min-age= parameter for 'git-rev-list'.

bool Branches get; set;

Not implemented Show branch refs found in `$GIT_DIR/refs/heads`.

string Default get; set;

Not implemented If there is no parameter given by the user, use `` instead.

bool Flags get; set;

Not implemented Do not output non-flag parameters.

bool GitDir get; set;

Not implemented Show `$GIT_DIR` if defined else show the path to the .git directory.

string GitDirectory get; set;

bool IsBareRepository get; set;

Not implemented When the repository is bare print "true", otherwise "false".

bool IsInsideGitDir get; set;

Not implemented When the current working directory is below the repository directory print "true", otherwise "false".

bool IsInsideWorkTree get; set;

Not implemented When the current working directory is inside the work tree of the repository print "true", otherwise "false".

bool KeepDashdash get; set;

Not implemented Only meaningful in `--parseopt` mode. Tells the option parser to echo out the first `--` met instead of skipping it.

bool NoFlags get; set;

Not implemented Do not output flag parameters.

bool NoRevs get; set;

Not implemented Do not output flags and parameters meant for 'git-rev-list' command.

bool Not get; set;

Not implemented When showing object names, prefix them with '{caret}' and strip '{caret}' prefix from the object names that already have one.

StreamWriter OutputStream get; set;

bool Parseopt get; set;

Not implemented Use 'git-rev-parse' in option parsing mode (see PARSEOPT section below).

bool Quiet get; set;

Not implemented Only meaningful in `--verify` mode. Do not output an error message if the first argument is not a valid object name; instead exit with non-zero status silently.

bool Remotes get; set;

Not implemented Show tag refs found in `$GIT_DIR/refs/remotes`.

Repository Repository get; set;

bool RevsOnly get; set;

Not implemented Do not output flags and parameters not meant for 'git-rev-list' command.

string Short get; set;

Not implemented Instead of outputting the full SHA1 values of object names try to abbreviate them to a shorter unique name. When no length is specified 7 is used. The minimum length is 4.

bool ShowCdup get; set;

Not implemented When the command is invoked from a subdirectory, show the path of the top-level directory relative to the current directory (typically a sequence of "../", or an empty string).

bool ShowPrefix get; set;

Not implemented When the command is invoked from a subdirectory, show the path of the current directory relative to the top-level directory.

string Since get; set;

Not implemented Parse the date string, and output the corresponding --max-age= parameter for 'git-rev-list'.

bool Sq get; set;

Not implemented Usually the output is made one line per flag and parameter. This option makes output a single line, properly quoted for consumption by shell. Useful when you expect your parameter to contain whitespaces and newlines (e.g. when using pickaxe `-S` with 'git-diff-\*'). In contrast to the `--sq-quote` option, the command input is still interpreted as usual.

bool SqQuote get; set;

Not implemented Use 'git-rev-parse' in shell quoting mode (see SQ-QUOTE section below). In contrast to the `--sq` option below, this mode does only quoting. Nothing else is done to command input.

bool StopAtNonOption get; set;

Not implemented Only meaningful in `--parseopt` mode. Lets the option parser stop at the first non-option argument. This can be used to parse sub-commands that take options themself.

bool Symbolic get; set;

Not implemented Usually the object names are output in SHA1 form (with possible '{caret}' prefix); this option makes them output in a form as close to the original input as possible.

bool SymbolicFullName get; set;

Not implemented This is similar to \--symbolic, but it omits input that are not refs (i.e. branch or tag names; or more explicitly disambiguating "heads/master" form, when you want to name the "master" branch when there is an unfortunately named tag "master"), and show them as full refnames (e.g. "refs/heads/master").

bool Tags get; set;

Not implemented Show tag refs found in `$GIT_DIR/refs/tags`.

string Until get; set;

Not implemented Parse the date string, and output the corresponding --min-age= parameter for 'git-rev-list'.

bool Verify get; set;

Not implemented The parameter given must be usable as a single, valid object name. Otherwise barf and abort.